New books have arrived!

New Stock

InshaAllah, our latest stock will be available to purchase from 9pm BST tonight (Friday the 20th of April). We’d like to thank you for being patient while the order was delayed for an extended period.

You can view the list of new titles by clicking here.

Reserved copies of al Budur al Mudiyyah

Customers who had pre ordered al Budur al Mudiyyah will have their copy reserved for one week until Friday the 27th. If an order isn’t placed by then, the copy will be released for other customers.

When making your purchase please use the same email address you reserved the book with.

Radd al Muhtar (Hashiyah ibn Abidin)

Alhamdulillah we’ve managed to source the much sought after print of Radd al Muhtar ‘ala al Durr al Mukhtar by Hussam al Din Farfur. Currently a copy of the original is available in the standard 24×17 size, which is slightly smaller than the size the book was originally printed in. This copy has also been published by the original publishers and is identical to the original except for in size.

We’d like to have this edition in stock in a few months time. However as there are not enough copies left with the publisher to fulfil the considerable demand, there may be a delay as more copies are printed.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy when it arrives please join the waitlist by clicking here. Joining the waitlist allows us to gauge the demand and make better decisions when buying from our suppliers.

Mailing List

To stay up to date with our latest offers and arrivals, remember to join our Whatsapp mailing list by clicking here.

Please do not send queries to the Whatsapp number. It is for updates only.
